Upcoming Events
These are the planned or anticipated events for the current year.
Wednesday 1st - NO CLUB NIGHT
Wednesday 8th - Hands on club night
Wednesday 15th - Hands on club night and tool sale
Wednesday 22nd - Hands on cub night
Wednesday 29th- Hands on club night
Wednesday 5th - Hands on club night
Wednesday 12th - Hands on club night
Wednesday 19th - Dennis Wake RPT visiting club to do a demonstration night - details to follow
Wednesday 26th - Hands on club night
Wednesday 5th - Hands on club night
Wednesday 12th - Hands on club night
Wednesday 19th - Internal Demo Brian Haggath, Ian Lockwood, Ian Robson +1 TBC
Wednesday 26th - Hands on club night
Wednesday 2nd - Hands on club night
Wednesday 9th - Hands on club night
Wednesday 16th - Pete Osborn RPT visiting club to do a demonstration - starts at 6.30pm.
Wednesday 23rd - Hands on club night
Wednesday 30th - Hands on club night
Wednesday 7th - Hands on club night
Wednesday 14th - AGM
Wednesday 21st - Hands on club night
Wednesday 28th - Hands on club night
Wednesday 4th - Hands on club night
Wednesday 11th - Hands on club night
Saturday 14th - Lace Guild Demo
Wednesday 18th - Hands on club night
Wednesday 25th - Hands on club night
Wednesday 2nd- Hands on club night
Wednesday 9th - Hands on club night
Wednesday 16th - Hands on club night
Wednesday 23rd - Hands on club night
Wednesday 30th - Hands on club night
Wednesday 6th - Hands on club night
Wednesday 13th - Hands on club night
Wednesday 20th - Hands on club night
Wednesday 27th - Hands on club night
Wednesday 3rd- Hands on club night
Wednesday 10th - Hands on club night
Wednesday 17th - Hands on club night
Wednesday 24th - Hands on club night
Wednesday 1st - Hands on club night
Wednesday 8th - Hands on club night
Wednesday 15th - Hands on club night
Wednesday 22nd - Hands on club night
Wednesday 29th - Hands on club night
Wednesday 5th - Hands on club night
Wednesday 12th - Hands on club night
Wednesday 19th - Hands on club night
Wednesday 26th - Hands on club night
Wednesday 3rd - Hands on club night
Wednesday 10th - Hands on club night
Wednesday 17th - Hands on club night
Wednesday 24th - NO CLUB NIGHT
Wednesday 31st - NO CLUB NIGHT
Wednesday 7th - Hands on club night
Wednesday 14th - Hands on club night
Wednesday 21st - Hands on club night
Wednesday 28th - Hands on club night